stubborn belly fat how to lose

While other parts of the country are battening down the hatches, we Arizonans are looking forward to cooler weather and prime wedding season. Whether you’re amping up to say “I do,” you’re honored to be included as a member of the wedding party, or you are just going to be a happy spectator, you want to make sure you look your very best for the festivities. Are you ready?

How Are You Looking?

With a wedding coming up in the next few months, your first task is to look in the mirror and see how your reflection matches up to where you want to be. You’re probably pretty happy with the way you appear normally, but being on stage like that at a wedding is a different thing. You’re naturally going to hold yourself to stricter standards.

Whether you want to tone up, lose a few pounds, or get started on a bigger, long-term transformation, there’s no time like the present to launch your body update. Let’s look at what you can do based on how much time you have to get ready.

If You Have Six Months (or More)

Did the engagement just happen and a spring wedding is in the works? That means you have a lot more time to get moving and make things really happen. Here are some suggestions:

Dial in Your Diet
Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all plan when it comes to creating an eating plan that works for you. Spend a week writing down everything you eat, either in a journal or on an app (we like MyFitnessPal). Then you’ll have a baseline from which to work.

Next, schedule an appointment with a nutritionist or dietician. Take your food journal with you, as well as your goals. Work together to create a plan that fits for you. It might be vegan, Paleo, low carb, or low fat; play with it until you see the scale shift.

Get Moving
If you’re not already exercising, now is the time to start. Schedule an intro session with a personal trainer to get some suggestions, if you’re new to exercising on a regular basis. If you’re looking up ideas on your own, has some great ideas and suggestions for workouts based on your age, goals, and gender. (Naturally, check with your physician if you have any health concerns.)

A great fitness routine always includes three components: cardio, resistance training, and mindful stretching. How you make those aspects work for you is an individual choice. It’s suggested to get one hour of exercise each day, but if that sounds like a huge feat, aim for 30–60 minutes three days a week. If you’re starting from nothing, you should see a change relatively quickly, which will lead to your wanting to increase your efforts.

If You have Less than Six Months

With limited time to get ready for the limelight, you’ll need to either change your expectations or take more drastic measures. While a combination of fitness and diet is always the right approach to toning up and losing weight, arguably more emphasis can be placed on diet to see real results.

Just Add Liquid
One way to cut back on calories while still getting the nutrition you need is to replace 1–2 meals a day with a healthy protein shake. By no means is this a long-term fix, mind you, but it can certainly help you to shed pounds quickly. Pair your shakes with one healthy meal and two healthy snacks, so you’re eating five times a day. You should plan to lose 2+ pounds a week with this method. Keep in mind that 2 pounds a week is a healthy weight-loss goal; losing weight faster than this can be dangerous and should only be undertaken with a doctor’s supervision.

Try CoolSculpting
With more aggressive weight-loss goals, you may be considering a surgical option, namely liposuction. While sucking out fat may seen fabulous it is invasive, requires a BIG procedure, downtime, and aftercare to be effective.

Enter CoolSculpting.

Rather than making an incision and sucking out excess fat cells, this is a fat-freezing process. A special applicator is attached to the skin in the targeted area, delivering a cool blast that freezes excess fat cells. Over the course of the next 2-4 months, those frozen cells, which are now dead, will be naturally flushed from your body. You will see results in loss of inches and a more toned physique.

So if you are getting ready for your big day and want to look your best, look first at how long you have and then plan accordingly. If CoolSculpting is the answer, look no farther than Bodify, Phoenix’s premier CoolSculpting boutique. Reach out to us now to learn more and schedule your consultation. Get ready to shine!