man boobs spare tire love handlesMost think that women are the only ones who sit around and think negative thoughts about their body.

Turns out, this is not true. The average man has negative thoughts about his body almost as often as women do. 78% of men would actually sacrifice an entire year of their life to step into the body they want!

Regardless if you have a little extra fat or are looking for some pretty big changes, CoolSculpting also called cold sculpting, body contouring, body shaping and fat freeze can absolutely get you there.

With each treatment you will see a 20-25% reduction of fat in the area(s) treated. This means you can once again feel good and confident in your own skin.

Good bad, right or wrong, how we feel about ourselves impacts how we operate in the world and treat others, so Bodify thinks freezing away stubborn fat is a fabulous way to boost confidence and impact the world a little more cheerfully.

You are not alone in your frustrations and it’s time to stop hating your fat and beating yourself up. It’s time do use the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction technology to gain confidence.

Our men love our ManCave and most importantly love their Bodify experience and results.

With more than 12,000 treatments under our belts (as of Oct 2017), we have a sneaking suspicion once you come in, as questions and get assessed you will agree that CoolSculpting is a fabulous solution to stubborn diet and exercise resistant fat!

Click HERE to schedule your complimentary consult. These consults provide a no pressure and non-judgmental environment for you to ask any and all CoolSculpting questions, get a custom assessment, find out exact pricing and book your treatments using Bodify’s 4 machines, ManCave or luxurious spa like rooms if it’s a fit for you!