keep fitnessThe holidays are traditionally a time of excess. We spend the days eating good food and indulging with our friends and families. However, once the holidays are over, many people go back to their strict fitness and diet regime with new enthusiasm and commitment to make positive changes in the New Year.

Whether your resolution for 2018 is to shed a few pounds, make it to spin class more often, or finally master that expert yoga pose, here are a few tips and tricks for keeping your fitness resolution for the year:

  • Set reasonable goals that are challenging, and yet achievable. If your goals are too lofty, you may get discouraged and give up without really giving yourself a chance.
  • Posting about your goals on social media is another way to hold yourself accountable while also gaining support from your peers.
  • If you happen to fall off the wagon or run into a roadblock to your goal, don’t beat yourself up about it and get discouraged. Simply take it one day at a time. These days are all part of the journey.
  • Make small changes at a time rather than trying to completely overhaul your life. For example, if your resolutions for 2018 include going vegan, drinking more water, training for a marathon, and reaching 10,000 steps per day on your Fitbit, try tackling one goal at a time so you can make real meaningful changes to your lifestyle. Trying to take on too much too soon can be overwhelming and increases the chances of failure.

CoolSculpting Can Help You Reach Your Goals

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-surgical fat-freezing procedure. It’s best suited to freeze away the stubborn fat that exists despite a healthy and active lifestyle. You know, the muffin tops, and flabby arms that won’t go away despite endless crunches and tricep dips. This technology is FDA-cleared with proven results.

During the procedure, the CoolSculpting applicator targets unwanted fat cells with cool, controlled temperatures. The applicator uses a vacuum to draw the fatty areas into the device, where it gets frozen. As a non-surgical procedure, patients are able to sit back and relax during their treatment. Afterward, there is no downtime before you can return to your regular activities.

In the weeks that follow your treatment, your body will start to flush out the dead fat cells. The results are long-term because the frozen and dead fat cells are flushed out and gone for good!

Looking for a way to jump-start your New Year’s health and fitness resolution? CoolSculpting is a fantastic option for anyone looking to complement their healthy lifestyle and remove stubborn fat that diet and exercise can’t get rid of. If you haven’t done so already, contact us today and speak with our experienced and licensed CoolSculpting clinicians to see how this service can help you achieve your goals.