We get this question all the time. The truth is regardless if you are in your 20s or 70s you may be struggling with diet and exercise resistant fat that you are ready to say adios to. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, fat-reduction technology that actually gets rid of fat cells once and for all.
The number of fat cells you have is set by the time you are an adolescent- you only shrink or expand those cells depending on eating and exercise habits, you don’t make new ones.
This is great news, it means once we freeze those fat cells and the flush out of the body naturally, you will NOT remake them. So it is a lasting result you can continue to enjoy year after year.
Of course you must do your part and maintain whatever you are currently doing. We freeze away 20-25% of the fat cells with each session of CoolSculpting, which means you still have fat cells and if you gain weight, they will expand and give the illusion that you no longer have results from CoolSculpting, this isn’t true. You just need to get back on track, shrink those fat cells again and you will again fully appreciate your CoolSculpting results and CoolSculpting after pictures and photos.
We have clients who are mid 20s and feel that after college their body moved in a direction they aren’t happy with, we have moms and dads in their 30s and 40s come in who feel that having kids has totally changed their routine and as such, their waistlines, love handles, bra lines, chin, arms, inner and outer thighs have expanded, and they simply want to feel and look their best again. We even have 60-80 year olds coming in saying I’m so tired of this stubborn fat, make it go away.
Seems that regardless of age, one thing is true, we care how we look and feel in our clothes and we are willing to use a safe, effective and FDA-cleared technology to say goodbye to the unwanted fat once and for all.
We can’t wait to have you in to Bodify, show you our amazing CoolScultping after pictures (of our own clients) and share any CoolSculpting reviews on Yelp, Google+ and our website (thebodify.com) so you can be confident you’ve picked the right place.
We have 12,000 treatments under our belts, have seen CoolSculpting reshape and re-contour 1000s of bodies and we would love yours to be next.
Click HERE to schedule your complimentary consult. These consults provide a no pressure and non-judgmental environment for you to ask any and all CoolSculpting questions, get a custom assessment, find out exact pricing and book your Coolsculpting treatments using Bodify’s 4 machines, ManCave or luxurious spa like rooms if it’s a fit for you!